June 7, 2020
One of the most common substitutes for good hand washing is using hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer can be carried in small portable containers that can be used when hand washing is not an option. By simply rubbing one’s hands with hand sanitizer, one can obtain the benefits of good hand washing without having to wash one’s hands.
However, due to the size of the containers, the hand sanitizer containers can often be misplaced. This can be problematic as one might not always have a supply of hand sanitizer with them when one needs to use hand sanitizer. Therefore, there is a need for a device for dispersing hand sanitizer that can be conveniently carried on one’s body.
LiquidTech’s WatchOUT is the first device ever for dispensing hand sanitizer that can be conveniently carried on one’s body and resembles a wristwatch that can be worn on one’s wrist. Wearing this product on one’s body makes the product difficult to misplace. This ensures one will always have a supply of hand sanitizer nearby. Additionally, the present product can disperse hand sanitizer without having to be removed.
For more information on LiquidTech’s WatchOUT, contact us at https://liquidtech.net/contact
LiquidTech Chemicals Corporation is a multi-dimensional chemical company specializing in safe, yet highly effective cleaning, sanitization, and a full line of state-of-the-art car care products.